How to refund or exchange a product

  1. Go to the POS -> previous sales
  2. Find the sale that you want to refund
  3. Click REFUND or EXCHANGE button
  4. Select the items you want to refund/exchange. Tick the “write off” box if the item is faulty
  5. Click on REFUND NOW
  6. In case it is an exchange, click on EXCHANGE button, and select the product you want to exchange to

Get in touch

  • Phone (07) 3392 0995
  • Email: click here
  • AU OFFICE: 148 Ipswich Road, Woolloongabba, QLD, AUSTRALIA
  • USA OFFICE: 1057 Halletts Peak Pl, Lawrenceville, GA 30044-0103, USA 

RepairBug Phone and Computer Repair Software. All Rights Reserved.
148 Ipswich Road, Woolloongabba 4102 QLD


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